
mini project, mini illustration book

This little illustration book is what i ended up with at the end of a two week project, my first brief for second year, to simply visit places and develop some material from the influence of the general outdoors.

As I visited places and documented through visuals I decided to have it as an on-the-go project, preferring to draw as I visited sites rather than photographing everything and creating something later.
I collected and drew. When I ran out of paper I drew on
things I found. To mix things I simply photocopied pieces
together and experimented. What I wanted to create the
most was having done it outside, being inspired by my
surrounding constantly.

As a final I wanted to expand particularly on the line
drawing style I had developed , establishing the main skill
I developed throughout this brief. I wanted to

keep my drawing style consecutive

and the natural and freeness of free hand line drawings developed itself throughout

my little book.

The drawings have no narrative, they
simply epitomise all I have seen and developed so far.

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