

Recently I've been very fascinated by the study of insects. Inspired by a friend who had been working at the Natural History Museum. I explored her own private collection of insects & loved the intricate way she pins the insects, labeling details down to the specific type of the bug, date, time and place she has found it. With jars of live insects as well as dead ones, though it sounds very morbid, i found something very endearing in the collection  of such fascinating creatures.

I especially loved a random piece of art she had found in a charity shop by an unknown artist made purely out of dead butterflies. I would like to think that the artist had not killed the butterflies herself but had some how found them all dead from natural causes. As unlikely as that seems.



I happen to feature as a main character in Illustrator Ross Cheam's graphic novel series. As a Transvestite. Though i should mention that I'm not in real life, but I look good even as a Transvestite (my vanity knows no bounds!). I have a very interesting storyline and cant wait to see what happens next to Derya the Transvestite, which really reminds me of the Spanish film 'Bad Education'. Be sure to check it out!

To download or order issues I, II & III are available for download or to order at http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/side-effects---issue-%231/13390277 or be sure to check out other projects at http://rsjcheam.com/



Whilst road tripping in america i popped off at the National Museum of American History in DC. the street was lined with museums but my specific interest in History sucked me in, and for a country with not much history it was impressive how i managed to spend hours scouring the place, though i shall hold off opinions about the recent history section displaying the vietnam and iraq wars. 
my favorite display was the following Dolls House by Faith Bradford.

Taking a quote from the side panel: 'The Doll's House reflects a world of associations and social relation ships which were quite real'. My two favorite rooms were the biggest room; the library, which interestingly enough reflects Miss Bradford's career as a librarian, also because i would like a library just as big, and the second room; the attic, crammed with items that cant be thrown away, as my own hoarder nature understands. Everything is..well, so TINY. Yet its absolutely huge, in so much detail, it is simply very beautiful, simple but natural, organic, life-like, and i am going to go off and make a 'derya's dream house' right this instant!



The Exhibition! Ok. so theres not a lot of photos of my work, having a free bar did mean more socialising than picture taking but over all a great night and i really loved my colourful section (first pic)! some pics of the night here and then photos of my work lone alone in the next post!


derya's bussiness cards

with the exhibition fast approaching i'm in need of business cards, something simple and in tune with my CV. i've just got them printed out as well and they're so small and cute (duh!) and now i'm on the prowl (ebay) for a sassy card holder so i could whip out my bussiness card!




F to the Y to the I

long title, quick message, update on the venue for the exhibition on tuesday!
enter; altered fliers

and a very very close up of some of the pieces for the exhib (they're still in the making even though the exhib is on tuesday- ive been immense busy with work experience so my last minute skills are being put into use!) so check these

yes. fabric is being involved!



i've been cheating on blogger. i've made a seperate work experience blog at dun dun .. tumblr!
whilst updating that and starting up my own shop on ebay i've neglected my blog, but im back, biggerbetterstronger - and my multi tasking skills are getting good! so check me here @ http://deryadoesit.tumblr.com/.
i've been working really hard so should get up some new works on here soon aswel!




so i thought i'd try to spruce up my first version, though i'm thinking i might just come up with a different concept to suit my changing style, as my work is very versatile and not always fun and child like as my cv may seem to imply! 



my previous cv seemed a slight too flier esque so i decided to try a more classical approach but it seems i veered too 'academic like' this time, with no imagery so i need to get this right third time round!


derya's cv

Coming to the end of my current project im on the look out for work experience, and heres the CV iv whooped up. Since there isnt only one particular thing i do, i made it more broad and instead focused on showing my personality as i find it's my best asset besides my work and a huge contributing factor to a good artist, so for now im sending this out!


trees, people and OnePerView

my trees have found their home on the model, complete with the little people. finally managed to snap some pics of the complete model of my fashion space exhibition: OnePerView. here you go!